The mission of the Therapeutics Initiative at Harvard Medical School is to:
Advance therapeutics research,
Accelerate translation of our discoveries into medicines, and
Train the inventors of future medicines
Message from the Director
“The impact of important medicines can be extraordinary on human health and wellbeing. The aim of the HMS Therapeutics Initiative is to work with our extraordinary faculty to help accelerate the progression of their novel insights towards tomorrow’s medicine. We follow three guiding principles: First and foremost, that the science of therapeutics is conducted at the highest level of scientific rigor. Secondly, to use the convening power of Harvard Medical School foster borderless science across different institutions and disciplines. We are implementing new models to bridge academia and industry in the pursuit of translational research. Finally, these efforts are anchored in our commitment to help train the inventors of tomorrow’s medicines providing educational opportunities in therapeutics research for our graduate students, post doctoral fellows and faculty. We welcome you to explore the Therapeutics Initiative at Harvard Medical School, learn about our exciting research alliances, apply to be part of our incubator laboratory space, engage in the expertise of our scientists and project managers, and join our community.”